Web Applications

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This is part of the subject of technical studies in informatics SMX (Sistemes Microinformàtics i Xarxes).

You can find here contents for the subject.

I recommend the following book to follow the course:

Aplicaciones web
Editorial McGraw-Hill
Authors: R.V. Lerma-Blasco, J.A. Murcia, R.Juncos, E. Misfund

UF 5: HTML and CSS (all the year!):

UF5 will be done along the year all the Wednesdays. People that cannot come on Wednesday have to complete the tasks at home (indicated in the moodle site).

UF 1: Desktop applications


UF2: Online Office

UF3: Content Management Systems (CMSs)

For the rest of the course we'll need to publish our works. You will need to set up a domain name and hosting service. It can be free or not (it's up to you to pay if you don't want to have advertisements in your website).

Browser war4.jpg

