EyeOS installation

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La revisió el 20:13, 17 oct 2010 per Enric (discussió | contribucions) (Es crea la pàgina amb «This is the first exercise of CMS installation. It is particulary interesting because EyeOS 1.x version doesn't need MySQL database support (uses local filesystem). In t…».)
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This is the first exercise of CMS installation. It is particulary interesting because EyeOS 1.x version doesn't need MySQL database support (uses local filesystem).

In this exercise you will install your first CMS in your local machine.

Pay attention to the teacher in the class, and after the explanations, follow the instructions below:

There are 4 steps (remember them fot the exam!):

  1. Preparing your server machine (local)
  2. Download the scripts
  3. Installation of EyeOS
  4. First account creation
  5. Configure

Preparing your server machine

  • Log into your Ubuntu machine
  • Install LAMPP server (using apt-get). The packages that you need are:
    • apache2
    • php5
  • Add additional packages for eyeOS: (apt-get)
    • php5-sqlite
    • php5-imap
  • Reboot apache2 service
    $ sudo service apache2 restart
  • Check apache with your browser at http://localhost and http://192.168...(your IP)
  • Enable the persmissions to the www folder:
$ cd /var/www$ sudo chmod 775 . <-- pay attention to the "." at the end)
$ sudo chown root:admin .
WARNING: that is not totally secure, but will be a lot more comfortable to work for the moment.
  • Rename the index.html file to index2.html (this way, we will be able to see the folder contents)
  • Edit the file index2.html and change something (put your name, or whatever). Use the nano command-line text editor:
$ nano index2.html
  • Check you see the directory with your browser in http://localhost and click the file index2.html to see its contents.

Download the scripts (EyeOS files)

We will use EyeOS version 1.x instead of 2.x since 1.x doesn't use MySQL and installation will be easier.

  • Browser: go to www.eyeos.org, look for downloads and copy the link for latest 1.x stable version (right click and "copy link location")
  • Open a TERMINAL and go to /var/www:
$ cd /var/www 
  • Download EyeOS latest version with wget
$ wget <copy_the_download_link_here>
    • (A new file called download will be created, check it with ls).
  • Change the downloaded filename to eyeos.zip
$ mv download eyeos.zip
  • Unzip it
$ unzip eyeos.zip 
  • Check that unzipping the file has created a folder named eyeOS
$ ls

Install EyeOS

  • open the browser and go to http://localhost/eyeOS/
  • Follow the instructions to setup the system:
    • Fix the permimssions of the files (follow the instructions and commands in the screen)
    • Check "users can create accounts"
  • Go to your new EyeOS system with your browser and create a new account.
    • If you cannot do it, log in as root (with your admin password) and go to
      EYE->System Preferences->System->Permissions
      ...and check "Allow user registration"

Create first account

  • Create a new user (from the main page) and log in
  • Sync your Gmail account. TAKE A SNAPSHOT (including the browser and your machine desktop)
  • Create an account in your friend's machine (using his IP). Log in and TAKE A SNAPSHOT (2nd)
  • Let your friend create the account in your machine.

Configure EyeOS

  • Log in as admin (root user, and the password you set in the installation)
    EYE -> System_Preferences -> Manage Users -> Show All
    ...and take the snapshot (3rd)
  • Install Catalan Language support:
    • go to EYE->Launch App and write "eyeSoft"
    • Update
    • Go to Translations and install Catalan package
    • TAKE A SNAPSHOT (4th):
      • If it doesn't work, just take the eyeSoft application
      • If it works, show the menus in catalan and take then the snapshot (you'll have to change your user's default language).

Finishing your exercise

REALLY IMPORTANT, you have to:

  1. Upload the 4 screenshots to the moodle (into a single document, 2 lines of explanation each screenshot).
  2. Tell the teacher you server is working to be checked.


You're done!