CMS backup and restoring

De Cacauet Wiki
La revisió el 19:36, 26 març 2011 per Enric (discussió | contribucions) (Es crea la pàgina amb «To backup and restore a CMS we have to follow the following procedure: # Export database and filesystem of the original CMS. # Import files and database in the new system…».)
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To backup and restore a CMS we have to follow the following procedure:

  1. Export database and filesystem of the original CMS.
  2. Import files and database in the new system.
  3. Adjust the config files of the CMS to make it work.

Export your original CMS

  1. Backup files in the source CMS (with tar, zip, etc.).
    Our suggestion is to use the command:
    $ tar cvfz cmsfoldername.tar.gz cmsfoldername
    (obviously changing cmsfoldername for your CMS folder name).
  2. Export database with mysqldump (in a *.sql file). We can use:
    • Command mysqldump. With:
      $ mysqldump -u enric -p cmsdbname > cmsdb.sql
      We will create the file cmsdb.sql with all CMS DB data. Obsioulsy you have to change "enric" for your user name.
    • phpmyadmin: too easy to give explanations for that.

That should result in having 2 files, (1) *.tar.gz and (2) *.sql.

Importing in the new system

We need 2 files: the tarball and the sql for database.

  1. Copy the files (*.sql and *.tar.gz) to your target system.
  2. Extract files in the target system.
    Using tar the command is:
    $ tar xvfz cmsfoldername.tar.gz
  3. Create the database in the target system.
    • Using mysqladmin command:
      $ mysqladmin -u enric -p create enric_newdb
      (Obviously changing enric for your username).
    • Using mysql command:
      $ mysql -u enric -p
    mysql> create database enric_newdb;
    • Using phpmyadmin
  4. Import the old database in the new database.
    • Using mysql command:
      $ mysql -u enric -p enric_newdb < cmsdb.sql
    • Using phpmyadmin

Adjusting config files of the new CMS



To know more you can read that articles for database creation, export and import: